We carry out the repairs within the scope of:
- VPI: G4.0, G4.2, G4.8 and other regulations (+3M, G4.3…)
- KVs5-B-2010: revision of periodical repairs, technical inspection, common repairs
- SUNV: N8, N4, N2 and others
- Wheelset: in conformity with VPI IS0, IL, IS1, IS2, 3L according to KVs5-B-2010 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4
- VSP (AVV, GCU) – Annexes 9 and 10

Superstructures of freight railway vehicles
- We carry out inspections, modernization or refurbishment of superstructures of various types of freight railway wagons.
- Repairs of steel bodies of high-wall and hopper wagons by welding
- Repairs of pneumatic or mechanical control of discharge valves
- Repairs of wooden floors
- Repairs of tank (cistern) wagons
- Repairs of tank (cistern) wagons including tests (according to RID – LOADED and EMPTY)

Bottom of a railway wagon, draw gear and buffing gear
- Inspection of the bottom of the railway wagon for cracks and deformations, inspection of deformation or repair of the front end, measurement of the frame
- Measurement of the clearance on the slides, inspection of upper part of the pivot bearing, steps and handles, spark plates
- Repair and replacement of parts of the frame of the rail car by welding
- Screw coupling – measurement and replacement
- Measurement, lubrication, replacement of all components for drawbars and buffing gear
- Levelled track for measuring the height of buffers

- Inspections of bogies D2, D3 according to VPI
- Measurement of the bogie frame slides, guard buckles, wheelset clamps, manganese steel plates, bottom part of the pivot bearing
- Modification of bogies according to the ECM requirements
- Y25, 1XTa, 2XTa, 26-2.8, DB 931, multi-axle

- Brake inspection according to VPI BR0, Br2, Br3 including compact brake units
- Inspection and maintenance of the pneumatic brake parts, maintenance and adjustment of brake rigging and linkage
- Inspection of brakes from DAKO, Knorr, Sab Wabco, Wabtec, Oerlikon, Charmilles, Westinghouse

- Tread profile according to UIC ORE S1002
- Wheelset inspection according to VPI IS0, IL, IS1, IS2, 3L
- Wheelset inspection according to KVs5-B-2010 D0, D1, D2, D3, D4
- Wheelset inspection – new built line
- Initial visual inspection (check)
- Disassembly of bearing housings
- Blasting box
- NDT (ultrasonic (UT), stationary magnet (MT), internal stress)
- Wheelset reprofiling – RAFAMET wheelset diameter from 700 to 1300mm
- Painting /drying box
- Assembly of bearing housings (separate workstation for cleaning and inspection of bearings)

Concentrated repairs
- Inspection / refurbishment of the DAKO brake parts
- Inspection / refurbishment of the brake gear adjusters
- Measuring /weighing the springs and leaf springs
- Repair of the brake shut-off-valves
- Inspection of the brake couplings

Blasting and painting
- Newly built blasting box (box length 23,8 m) – according to the standard SA ČSN EN ISO 8501-1 we are able to maintain the surface cleanliness grades from Sa 1 up to Sa 3
- Newly built painting and drying box (box length 25 m) – painting of components, frames of bogies, frames of wagons and superstructures, interior coating of the superstructure
- Painting with water-based and solvent-based paint

- Ultrasonic method (UT) – fatigue discontinuities in metal materials (wheelsets, rings, springs), measurement of sheet thickness for corrosion loss of material
- Thickness gauge TT100, defectoscope Olympus EPOCH 650, SITESCAN D50
- Fluorescence powder magnetic method (MT) – detection of surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials (axles, hooks, buffers, pivot bearings, welds on bogies)
- Manual (handheld) electromagnet REM230, source of magnetic current Magman R4000A, UV Lamp MR974AN
- Penetrant test (PT) – detection on non-magnetic types of surfaces
- Visual test (VT) – detection of the surface discontinuities
- Internal stress – Fraunhofer UER3

Technological equipment of the repair shop:
- Tenzona balance – weighing the weight of the vehicle, static determination of axle loads
- NOPO handling/transport system – load capacity of 35t and length 23m
- Mobile-stand mounted jacks 10 x 4 sets
- Bridge cranes – 3x
- INDUCTLINE – equipment for inspection of spring and leaf springs with digital output
- RMT –induction heating of bearing rings
- HAKAN 3 – brake test – 5x
- Rafamet UBC 150N – lathe for wheelset