Departure points
Registerred office and departure point Ostrava CZ
1. máje 3302/102a, Moravská Ostrava
703 00 Ostrava
Departure point Louny CZ
Říční 756
440 01 Louny
Place of departure Štúrovo-Nána SK
organizational unit
1.mája 1152
943 60 Nána
Departure point Terminál Mošnov CZ
Mošnov 410
742 51 Mošnov
Operation and maintenance work according to VSP/AVV/CUU/GCU:
- Inspection of the wagon before/after lease
- Preventive maintenance and revision
- Brake test according to UIC 543-1
- Replacement of wheelset
Operation and maintenance work according to VPI-EMG:
- Inspection/extension of the revision period +3M
- Brake test according to VPI 07
- Inspection and measurement of the wheelset under the wagon
- G1.0 – unusual repair in accordance with VPI 01
- G2.0 – inspection of the freight railway wagons according to the holder´s instructions (ECM)
- G3.0 – unusual mobile repair as needed
- Other maintenance work, measurement and replacement or repairs of parts upon agreement
Operation and maintenance work according to KVs5-B-2010 instructions
- Brake tests according to UIC 543-1 with HAKAN equipment
- Usual repairs without suspension – Nb
- Usual repairs with suspension – Nbo
- Repairs of violent damage
- Commissioned inspections – Ki
- Unusual technical inspections – TI
- Technical treatment of the wagon
- Guarantee technical inspection – Gti
Repairs according to SUNV instructions
- Brake tests according to UIC 543-1 with HAKAN equipment
- Usual repairs
- Repairing defects by replacing damaged parts
Othermaintenance work:
- Replacement of wheelset
- Conversion of the wagon to LL blocks
- Preventive inspection of railway wagons
- Diagnosis of wheelsets under the railway wagon
- Repair of the pneumatic part of the brake
- Repair of the mechanical part of the brake and replacement of brake components
- Replacement of individual components of draw gear
- Replacement of individual bogie components
- Replacement of springs
- Welding and straightening work according to agreement of the holder (ECM)
- Inspection of the railway wagon before/lease and warranty inspections
- Adjustment and repair of discharge valves, doors, sliding walls, sliding roofs, etc.
- Replacement of the smaller parts of the railway wagon (handles, steps, grilles)
- Repairs (corrections) of descriptions/paintings/pictograms
- Organization of the transport of the railway wagons to be repaired